
You and Police Transparency

I titled this blog starting with “You” because YOU are at the forefront of change going on with the police, how policing works, and what policing will become. In my traffic & criminal defense practice, I primarily handle these types of cases in Northern Virginia counties such as Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun, Arlington, and in…


Fairfax County Prosecutor Places Limits on Cases Will Prosecute

By now, I’m sure you know my areas of practice are Traffic & Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and Bankruptcy. This post pertains to the defense portion of my practice immensely because Fairfax County’s top prosecutor Steve Descano, known as the Commonwealth’s Attorney (aka the District Attorney “DA” in other states) put out a formal notice…


New Virginia Laws That May Affect You!

Hello friends, I mentioned in a previous blog that new Virginia Laws were coming your way and would go into effect on July 1, 2020. I apologize for this update coming 2 weeks after the new laws were enacted. Like most lawyers in Virginia, I had to do the research and see how this would…