
“Rogue Prosecutor” used to describe Fairfax County’s Top Prosecutor

On December 14, 2020, the Heritage Foundation published an article titled, “Meet Steve Descano, the Rogue Prosecutor Whose Policies Are Wreaking Havoc in Fairfax County, Virginia“.

If you refer to my previous blog post, you’ll recall that in Fairfax County, the chief prosecutor, Steve Descano, who was elected to start his 4-year term on January 1, 2020 decided to stop prosecuting all but four types of misdemeanor crimes. As noted in the article, this has wreaked havoc on the court system in which law enforcement, defendants, and community once found solace. Finally, a media outlet took notice and wrote on the effects.

I have no personal knowledge of the incidents the article refers to, but I can tell you that with several of my cases, my clients and I were met with significantly different circumstances – circumstances that normally would have been alleviated had there been a prosecutor representing the Commonwealth’s interests in the matter. Especially with the ongoing pandemic, the current situation is not helping the County and its citizens.